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    We chose Deno for its low cold start times, ability to execute untrusted code securely, and ease in creating shareable, immutable scripts.


    A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.

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    In “Infinity War”, Marvel Comics super-villain Thanos kills off half the world’s population. Would this fix the planet?


    A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.

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    Section 3. JWST Lagrange Orbit Analysis

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    Museo Soumaya, Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Mexico (© Juan Romero/Alamy)

    Museo Soumaya, Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Mexico (© Juan Romero/Alamy)
    Museo Soumaya, Plaza Carso, Mexico City, Mexico (© Juan Romero/Alamy)
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    Webkit Blog

    Open Source Web Browser Engine

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    Learn about the latest web technology updates in Safari Technology Preview: CSS, Layout, JavaScript, Media, Popover, and Accessibility.


    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 124/50 words 41s read
    So, I’ve been thinking (uh-oh).. there’s this idea/law by Melvin Conway (popular in programming books) that goes something like this;

    Any organization that designs a system will produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization’s communication structure.

    Many suns ago, local events “piqued” my curiosity into cryptocurrency hype. Praise be to the king–no really! Anyway, reading the leaves and decrypting the crypto–babble made bits of sense… at least superficially.

    The point: there’s plausibility that one or many powerful democratic government(s) designed/orchestrated the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Yes, hard to prove but… the architecture is an uncanny 1:1 copy of government communication. Even abuse/failure modes are 1:1 (see sybil, a 51% attack: similar to democracy’s extra fun “limbo” mode).


    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 133/50 words 44s read
    I’d have never peeked so deeply into cryptocurrency lore..

    ..if it wasn’t for this guy visiting my country. I am now “enlightened”. Spoiler: Blockchain protocols computationally formalize/describe a government’s high power restraints within democracy. In civics (social studies), democracy is decentralized power (no/many kings) and therefore implicitly inefficient.

    Democratic governments (in perfect world) communicate/act/bank;

    1. In public (freedom of information)
    2. With immutability (no deleting things)
    3. With consensus (majority vote)
    4. With inefficiency (to weaken bad actors)

    Citizens and other low power (centralized) entities can do some of the above (federation), but mostly (wisely) communicate/act/bank;

    1. In private (freedom of association)
    2. With mutability (to protect privacy)
    3. Without consensus (freedom of expression)
    4. With efficiency (to build–up fast actors)

    Individually, (5-8 > 1-4) no? But (1-4 > 5-8) in dictatorships (5-8)? Blockchain governments for maximal oversight? Not happening :)

    #coins #lists
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    Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem Stills + Motion)

    Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem
    Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz, California (© Jim Patterson/Tandem
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    This document deprecates the use of any “int” domain names that were designated for infrastructure purposes by the IETF, and it identifies

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    This document specifies a certificate extension for including logotypes in public key certificates and attribute certificates. This

