+++ date = "2023-05-17T02:32:30+00:00" lastmod = "2023-05-17T02:41:30+00:00" tags = [ "coins", "lists" ] author = "tdro" +++ {{< disclose >}} I'd have never peeked so deeply into [cryptocurrency](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cryptocurrency) lore.. {{}} ..if it wasn't for [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Bankman-Fried) visiting my country. I am now "enlightened". Spoiler: [Blockchain protocols](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blockchain) computationally formalize/describe a [government's](https://www.britannica.com/topic/unitary-state) high power restraints within democracy. In civics (social studies), democracy is decentralized power (no/many kings) and therefore implicitly inefficient. Democratic governments (in perfect world) communicate/act/bank; 1. In public (freedom of information) 2. With immutability (no deleting things) 3. With consensus (majority vote) 4. With inefficiency (to weaken bad actors) Citizens and other low power (centralized) entities can do [some](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/The_pathway_of_regional_integration_or_separation.png/799px-The_pathway_of_regional_integration_or_separation.png) of the above (federation), but mostly (wisely) communicate/act/bank; 5. In private (freedom of association) 6. With mutability (to protect privacy) 7. Without consensus (freedom of expression) 8. With efficiency (to build--up fast actors) Individually, (5-8 > 1-4) no? But (1-4 > 5-8) in dictatorships ([5-8](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/148331-whenever-you-have-an-efficient-government-you-have-a-dictatorship))? Blockchain governments for maximal oversight? Not happening :)