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Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 123/50 words 41s read

    Mathematical Markup Language (MathML)? I’ve thought about LaTeX/TeX strategies on the web for a bit ever since someone asked years ago about different approaches. I never got to poking around on my blog, but since then the masters have delivered unto us;

    1. MathML ( based web specification)
    2. KaTeX
    3. MathJax

    In format conversion land we’ve been given; LaTeXML, make4ht, texmath, temml, and Pandoc.

    MathML looks rather safe. After that, I’d imagine it’s mostly incompatability struggles, XML spooks, and making math “write easy”.
    l = 10 0.00 + 0.05 m m
    (1) A unilateral tolerance allowed in one (uni) direction (plus)
    l = 100 ± 0.05 m m
    (2) A bilateral tolerance allowed in two (bi) directions (plus and minus)
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    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 76/50 words 25s read

    The space of software hosting forges is sizeable. Most techy people know about GitHub and GitLab but many software forges exist (if considering the entire world). Here’s a few of note.

    1. NotABug: Based on Gogs.
    2. SourceHut: Suite of free software development tools built from the ground up.
    3. Codeberg: Based on Gitea.
    4. SourceForge: Mainstream software hosting.
    5. Radicle: Decentralized on the service layer (discussions/issues). Git itself is distributed and decentralized.
    6. Savannah: Suite of software development tools from GNU.
    #lists #web

    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 86/50 words 29s read

    Some nix language gotchas I’ve experienced while using NixOS personally:

    1. Avoid with expressions unless with the inherit keyword for identifying hidden attributes in scope.
    2. Avoid the rec keyword unless there’s tracking/control of infinite set recursion (self naming/references).
    3. Avoid importing more than 1 instance of <nixpkgs> for any evaluation chain unless there’s magic compute and “infinite” memory.

    Tricky is numero three, but crucial for fast feedback regardless of the current thing? I don’t poke around as much to know anymore but; legacy, flakes, community, and possibly others.

    #linux #lists

    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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  • 76/50 words 25s read

    I caught a glimpse of an interesting thing by chance. Meta Platforms Facebook hid the x from their login prompt on public pages–including government pages, then brought it back. ‘Twas on the desktop before mobile and perhaps (who knows) for a subset (as a test). A “login only public page” is for a near–distant future, set. Seriously though; developer documentation will become my final excuse to visit Facebook.

    Login prompt
    The x factor
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