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Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

Canory view
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  • 136/50 words 45s read

    I’ll keep it short. The introduction of A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens — enjoy!

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

    It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.

    It was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness.

    It was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us.

    We were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

    In short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.


    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 56/50 words 19s read

    Reason, meaning, and knowledge are the ground truths of society. But, only after all other methods have failed. Invoke the world’s most used encyclopedia…

    Warning: Article text may change as it appears — the pedia’s not guaranteed to be consistent across discrete spacetimes. If the below does not say “knowledge” you’ve been had.

    Wikipedia Article (Link)

    Dignissimos quis animi velit. Not a bot. If you believe everything you read on the Internet, you’ll think that I’m human. Profile by guaxipo and header by 11082974.

    Default view
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  • 81/50 words 27s read

    Somehow you’ve ended up here. It’s funny how that works. I’m responsible for explaining how to get started.


    git clone --branch 0.11.12

    EXECUTE HUGO TWICE. HUGO VERSION >= 0.110.0 AND < 0.123.0

    cd canory
    hugo && hugo


    cd public
    python -m http.server --bind 8124
    busybox httpd -f -p
    php -S
    ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8127
    caddy file-server --listen :8128
    npx serve --listen 8129

    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory Draft view
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  • 50/50 words 17s read

    Draft those messages, you message drafter. Get a feel of how it delivers before committing the deed. Only reveal your drafts in a local environment — don’t write drafts live on the www unless you like living on the edge.

    buildDrafts: false
    Inside your config.toml, config.json, or config.yaml

    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 28/50 words 9s read

    Tables are the most universally understood data presentation format but…

    Tables Are Boring
    column 1 is left–aligned 123
    column 2 is centered 12
    column 3 is right–aligned 1

    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 21/50 words 7s read

    The cool kids are moving to a new video site. How long do you reckon this party lasts?


    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 34/50 words 11s read

    Check out this party trick. This thing can quote other messages.


    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 84/50 words 28s read

    Weights and Spans?

    I was once told spans were worth their weight in gold. Two sentences in line, nine seconds with time.

    Secondary Heading

    So you’ve made it this far, you’re excellent, on par! Two paragraphs or no, just a little more to not go.

    Tertiary Heading

    Saepe perspiciatis molestiae iste at quia sequi. Omnis itaque sint ut nihil molestiae quis ut at.


    You’ve skipped to the end and thus failed, my friend. You didn’t know? Conclusions and Latin are just for show!


    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 62/50 words 21s read

    First nothing, then the infinity wars. You know; the miracle of the fallacy à la generality.

    0 = 0 × 1 0 = 0 × 2 0 = 0 × 3
    (1) Sounds about right.
    0 = 0 0 × 1 = 0 × 3
    (2) Alien levels of literal meta–abstraction.
    1 = 3
    (3) Unity. Don’t try this at home, kids.

    Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

    Canory view
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  • 41/50 words 14s read

    Satisfy the keepers of the gate. Officially verify ownership of your property, uh, website. Put the verification code from their web mastery tools into the configuration file (config.yaml, config.json, config.toml).

          google: randomString
          bing: randomString
          yandex: randomString
