+++ date = "2022-03-05T03:45:51+00:00" lastmod = "2022-03-05T03:45:51+00:00" tags = [ "docs" ] +++ Somehow you've ended up here, funny how that works. I'm responsible for explaining how to get started. GIT CLONE. {{% version clone=true %}} EXECUTE HUGO TWICE. HUGO VERSION >= {{% version hugo=true %}} AND < 0.123.0 ```shell cd canory hugo && hugo ``` SERVE HTML. PREVIEW USING ANY HTTP SERVER. ```shell cd public python -m http.server --bind 8124 busybox httpd -f -p php -S ruby -run -e httpd . -p 8127 caddy file-server --listen :8128 npx serve --listen 8129 ```