A free, mobile-friendly, open-source dynamic map application.
Safari Technology Preview Release 161 is now available for download for macOS Monterey 12.3 or later and macOS Ventura.
A recently updated, interactive JavaScript application that computes sunrise/sunset/day length for any location on Earth.
A Web-based geostationary satellite locator.
A short tutorial on building a GraphQL server in Deno.
nikitonsky: I wonder why Apple feels the urge to group many settings into exactly two things. Especially now, when the whole list is scrollable and space isn’t the problem. Understanding & finding single word is much easier than group of two
We’re hosting bi-weekly office hours in our Discord server! Ask questions (or submit them in advance), get technical help, or just come and hang out.
nikitonsky: Ultimately, it all comes down do a simple question: are you writing for your readers, or are your readers here to fulfill your marketing needs? What comes first?
Lake Powell water levels, using an Internet data source.
Lake Mead Water Levels, using an Internet data source.