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Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro (edited) view markdown plaintext permalink jan 21 2023 23 sec 68/50 words

Look at this Makefile — then look at this NixOS package derivation. Appears simple but I couldn’t for the life of me divine how to quickly compile a custom/patched kernel module on NixOS. Abstractions… are very magical. The guide is cool and all, but it’s a better time investment to guesstimate the relationship between the higher/lower layer. This friendly example looks more like this in reality though ;-)


Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink jan 21 2023 65 sec 194/50 words
A NixOS configuration for a working sound driver on an A1418 Cirrus Logic CS8409/CS42L83.
{ stdenv, lib, fetchgit, linuxKernel, kernel ? linuxKernel.kernels.linux_5_15
, version ? "d0d785dc1859b09299bde6d0f1d6786a0d610e7f" }:

stdenv.mkDerivation {

  inherit version;
  name = "sna-hda-codec-cs8409-${version}-module-${kernel.modDirVersion}";

  # Upstream:

  src = fetchgit {
    url = "";
    rev = version;
    sha256 = "sha256-0UeoERcYpM+ojeZ7dDIE3ruTIoHkkC+s7FcoEVUTR0w=";

  hardeningDisable = [ "pic" ];
  nativeBuildInputs = kernel.moduleBuildDependencies;

  NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = [ "-g" "-Wall" "-Wno-unused-variable" "-Wno-unused-function" ];

  makeFlags = kernel.makeFlags ++ [

  postPatch = ''
    printf '
    snd-hda-codec-cs8409-objs := patch_cs8409.o patch_cs8409-tables.o
    obj-$(CONFIG_SND_HDA_CODEC_CS8409) += snd-hda-codec-cs8409.o


    KERNELRELEASE ?= $(shell uname -r)
    KERNEL_DIR    ?= /lib/modules/$(KERNELRELEASE)/build
    PWD           := $(shell pwd)


    	make -C $(KERNEL_DIR) M=$(PWD) modules_install
    ' \
    > Makefile

    sed --in-place 's|<sound/cs42l42.h>|"${}/lib/modules/${linuxKernel.kernels.linux_6_0.modDirVersion}/source/include/sound/cs42l42.h"|'  patch_cs8409.h
    sed --in-place 's|hda_local.h|${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/source/sound/pci/hda/hda_local.h|'                                                      patch_cs8409.h
    sed --in-place 's|hda_jack.h|${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/source/sound/pci/hda/hda_jack.h|'                                                        patch_cs8409.h
    sed --in-place 's|hda_generic.h|${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/source/sound/pci/hda/hda_generic.h|'                                                  patch_cs8409.h
    sed --in-place 's|hda_auto_parser.h|${}/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/source/sound/pci/hda/hda_auto_parser.h|'                                          patch_cs8409.h

  meta = { platforms = lib.platforms.linux; };

Then build it as a extra/custom kernel module. The results of stumbling upon yet another troublesome device…

{ pkgs, ... }:

  boot = {
    extraModulePackages = [
      (pkgs.callPackage ../packages/snd-hda-cs8409/default.nix {
        kernel = pkgs.linux_5_15;
#gists #nixos

Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink jan 5 2023 49 sec 146/50 words
My default nix configuration on NixOS.

This configuration is more for building/debugging stuff and caching with nix-serve. Usually my package version is locked since different versions of nix can have some effects.

{ config, ... }:

  nix = {
    package = (import ../versions.nix).nix_2_12 { inherit config; };
    settings = {
      log-lines = 25;                                #
      fallback = true;                               #
      tarball-ttl = 0;                               #
      show-trace = true;                             #
      connect-timeout = 5;                           #
      auto-optimise-store = true;                    #
      narinfo-cache-negative-ttl = 0;                #
      narinfo-cache-positive-ttl = 0;                #
      builders-use-substitutes = true;               #
      min-free = 268435456;                          # (256 MB in Bytes)
      max-free = 1073741824;                         # (1 GB in Bytes)
      allowed-users = [ "root" "@wheel" ];           #
      trusted-users = [ "root" "@wheel" ];           #
      experimental-features = "nix-command flakes";  #
My nix-configuration.nix on version 22.11
#gists #nixos

Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink jan 4 2023 32 sec 96/50 words

I thought about posting notes on Syncthing but then I’d have to tangentially talk about NixOS. NixOS is my main Linux distribution but Nix/NixOS/Flakes are too hard to write about and I fear they’ve ventured too far into the realm of over–engineering.

What do I mean by over–engineering? An over–engineered tool is one where even the simplest use cases are non–obvious (to most people) and this can happen when it tries to do too many things with “specificity”. The overall concept is elegant though (explainable in lay terms) and can be applied in other contexts.


Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro (edited) view markdown plaintext permalink nov 1 2022 22 sec 67/50 words

I feel sorta conflicted about my posted notes on nixops because shortly after that I discovered nixos-rebuild had remote deploys. Now nixos-rebuild itself is just a bash script and taking a peek inside is well, you know.. enlightening. There’s even a NixOS deployment tool written in just nix. I use nixos-rebuild…

nixos-rebuild switch \
  --target-host "" \
  --build-host "localhost" \
Build locally, deploy remotely

Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink oct 26 2022 20 sec 59/50 words

The nix packages collection has a neat library repository. A small nudge can make it completely standalone. Basically it allows experimenting quickly with configuration patterns for custom stuff without an expensive evaluation.

#clips #nixos

Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink oct 6 2022 25 sec 75/50 words

After daily driving NixOS and the Nix for almost three years, it feels like it’ll be simplified by entities external to the project. It’s still in that academic phase (don’t do this/that) and needs software engineering .

That usually involves reducing boilerplate ruthlessly while generalizing/capturing fundamental uses cases (setting implicit best current practices). It’s reminiscent of lxc just before docker arrived for the masses.

this blog is served to you by NixOS :-)


Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink jul 31 2022 16 sec 48/50 words

I’m just now realizing that there might be a schism within the Nix/NixOS ecosystem/community on old versus new interfaces. If that’s remotely true, then somewhere, a great holy war is at play. Here’s an article summary of the old versus the new interface that I stumbled upon recently.


Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro view markdown plaintext permalink jul 22 2022 14 sec 43/50 words

This blog is really really good for robust usage of Nix/NixOS. I stumble upon it every so often. Another excellent blog is “How to Learn Nix” which explores in excruciating detail the painful parts of nix and its documentation. Discovered that one recently.


Another wandering soul screaming into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by @cdd20.

tdro (edited) view markdown plaintext permalink jul 7 2022 14 sec 42/50 words

What’s funny about the NixOS/GNU Guix design is that it tricks developers into writing their own system packages. That would never happen on other Linux distributions. I’m slowly favoring Guix though, since the new nix flake interface couples too tightly with git.

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