The cool kids are moving to a new video site. How long do you reckon this party lasts?

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.
Check out this party trick. This thing can quote other messages.

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.
Weights and Spans?
I was once told spans were worth their weight in gold. Two sentences in line, nine seconds with time.
Secondary Heading
So you’ve made it this far, you’re excellent, on par! Two paragraphs or no, just a little more to not go.
Tertiary Heading
Saepe perspiciatis molestiae iste at quia sequi. Omnis itaque sint ut nihil molestiae quis ut at.
You’ve skipped to the end and thus failed, my friend. You didn’t know? Conclusions and Latin are just for show!

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.
First nothing, then the infinity wars. You know; the miracle of the fallacy à la generality.

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.
Satisfy the keepers of the gate. Officially verify ownership of your property,
uh, website. Put the verification code from their web mastery tools into the
configuration file (config.yaml
, config.json
, config.toml
google: randomString
bing: randomString
yandex: randomString

Descended from an inner star system of the Sunflower galaxy. Not an owl. Theme Canory — a micro blog theme for Hugo, one of many static site generators. Profile by luboshouska and header by luminas_art.
Resource abuse is not good — cache responsibly. In the configuration file
(config.yaml, config.json, config.toml) set the cache expiry time. The default
is 12h
(12 hours) for remote fetches and -1
(forever) for assets, images,
and modules. The time scales are seconds (s
), minutes (m
), and hours (h
Turn off a cache by setting a max age of 0
dir: :resourceDir/_gen
maxAge: -1
dir: :resourceDir/_gen
maxAge: -1
dir: :resourceDir/caches
maxAge: 12h
dir: :resourceDir/caches
maxAge: 12h
dir: :resourceDir/caches
maxAge: 12h
dir: :resourceDir/caches
maxAge: -1

A single-file blog

A single-file blog
Let’s Share What We Know

A single-file blog
Pocket web books