NetSurf is still the fastest
browser I’ve ever used. It supports
stylesheets up to . This
static micro blog renders poorly since it targets
. Maybe some fallback CSS2
directives are in order.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Media clips and text on a screen are obtuse. If that’s consistently true, then choose your poison(s): misinterpretation, miscommunication, misdirection, misinformation, disinformation, dissimulation, and/or propaganda. Everyone gets to play, but no one is immune.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Browsers are on a slow march towards fully adopting user options for standardized/algorithmic color stylesheets. Great debates over what color to paint the bike shed (website) will eventually end. Paint it (mostly) whatever color you want.
In addition to the invert filter, another way of quickly bootstrapping a dark mode stylesheet is to use Chromium’s auto dark mode emulation as an initial reference.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Web mentions and reply by email? The first is easy thanks to, but the second is very involved and requires a public email inbox setup.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Fun fact: fetching favicons from
various domains is a dark art. Might seem trivial at first, but it’s very
complicated. A simple request for a favicon.ico
will net strange returns —
like serving a text file as a favicon.ico
Better to leverage a browser which excels at interpreting favicons or contact a of a major search engine. Make sure to cache the results.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
This static micro blog now
feeds natively. The
penalty (blood sacrifice) for making this happen is having to run
twice — once for it to write
and second to
reflect it back for hugo
to see what it wrote.
If I can win the error handling game, I’ll finally be able to add all my feeds
and see how far hugo
can be pushed.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
If you don’t know which static site generator to use, choose one built in a language that you’re familiar with or want to learn. Under the hood they all use similiar constructs.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Chapter 2.

Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
The sentiment that you cannot/don’t need to support all browsers is kinda accurate. In many scenarios you’ll never be able to support all browsers due to “business” constraints. Cross browser support is possible though.
But… let’s suppose that the only browser in “real” mainstream use is Chrome. It’s logical then to conclude that the only browser you need to develop for is Chrome, and that deduction works well for many companies.

Deno Deploy Beta 4