+++ date = "2022-05-27T02:45:29+00:00" lastmod = "2022-05-27T02:45:29+00:00" tags = [ "web" ] author = "tdro" +++ Fun fact: fetching [favicons](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon) from various domains is a dark art. Might seem trivial at first, but it's very complicated. A simple request for a `favicon.ico` will net strange returns --- like serving a text file as a `favicon.ico`. Better to leverage a browser which excels at interpreting favicons or contact a {{< abbr CDN "Content Delivery Network" >}} of a major search engine. Make sure to cache the results. * https://icons.duckduckgo.com/ip1/en.wikipedia.org.ico * https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=en.wikipedia.org