+++ date = "2022-05-27T01:04:02+00:00" lastmod = "2022-05-27T01:04:02+00:00" tags = [ "metas" ] author = "tdro" +++ This static micro blog now "[multiplexes](https://www.thedroneely.com/git/thedroneely/canory/commit/?id=76fcd575e61a0f0e4ce602387d9a3b6098a23884)" {{< abbr RSS "Really Simple Syndication" >}} feeds [natively](/tags/rss/). The penalty (blood sacrifice) for making this happen is having to run [`hugo`](https://gohugo.io/) twice --- once for it to write [`markdown`](https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started/) and second to reflect it back for `hugo` to see what it wrote. {{< self "/tdro/feeds/lets-share-what-we-know-3838b9b0/#tdro-feeds-lets-share-what-we-know-3838b9b0" >}} If I can win the error handling game, I'll finally be able to add all my feeds and see how far `hugo` can be pushed.