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nikitonsky: Pro tip: Article titles are usually more informative than associated images. The latter are very often logos or meaningless stock photos.

Recently published RFCs
This document describes SPAKE2, which is a protocol for two parties that share a password to derive a strong shared key without

Recently published RFCs
This document describes SPAKE2+, a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol run between two parties for deriving a

Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Mount Sopris, Colorado (© Jason Hatfield/Tandem Stills + Motion)

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Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Fremont Indian petroglyphs, Dinosaur National Monument, Jensen, Utah (© Dan Leeth/Alamy)

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Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Veined octopus in a giant clam shell, Sulawesi Sea, Indonesia (© Alex Mustard/Minden Pictures)

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Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Brown bears fishing for salmon at Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park, Alaska (© oksana.perkins/Shutterstock)

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Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Taughannock Falls State Park in Trumansburg, New York (© Paul Massie Photography/Getty Images)

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