Safari Technology Preview Release 153 is now available for download for macOS Monterey 12.3 or later and macOS Ventura beta.
nikitonsky: Your regular reminder that controls are better positioned OUTSIDE the content if there’s space (and there usually is)
nikitonsky: The desktop scrolling experience
nikitonsky: If you’re a website selling stuff, shouldn’t you, you know, at least try to be useful? Make the experience as seamless as possible? Don’t your earnings depend directly on how easy it is to find “Buy button”?
On June 23rd, the WebKit project froze its Subversion tree and transitioned management and interaction with our source code to git on GitHub.
How to Build an E-commerce Site with a Perfect Lighthouse Score
nikitonsky: There’re no technical reasons for limitations like these to exist. Next time you catch yourself thinking about allowing or not allowing certain symbols somewhere: just don’t. Allow everything. Users will thank you for that.
nikitonsky: Don’t use different font size for no reason
dmitriid: In their infinite wisdom Google decided that you can only log in to the various services on the plethora of Google devices through a single central app on your phone. I’ve now tried to set up Spotify for a thousandth time. What went wrong? …
nikitonsky: If you are asking your users to update, maybe at least tell them why they should care?