A brief history about server-side rendering and why it’s the right approach for modern web development.
As of Safari Technology Preview 160, it is no longer possible to use the W3C’s Web Share API with third-party sites within an iframe without including an allow attribute.
nikitonsky: Pro tip: things inside circle look best when centered
Deno 1.30 supports built-in Node modules, deno.json is an import map, deno fmt can format without semicolons, and more…
Safari Technology Preview Release 162 is now available for download for macOS Monterey 12.3 or later and macOS Ventura.
Here’s a list of questions, answers, and takeaways from our January 13th office hours.
Today we are pleased to announce Safari 16.3, our first release of many coming this year.
2022 was a big year for Deno. Here are the biggest updates from the past year and what’s coming up next.
Version controlling (also called revision control or source control) your database data is pretty easy as long as you don’t have any binary content stored in the database, you just commit your SQL dump to the version control software, it’s just SQL …
nikitonsky: It’s better if the same function (Turn Off…) is always on the same side