nikitonsky: Pro tip: don’t just say what are you doing, also say why

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Open Source Web Browser Engine
Safari Technology Preview Release 180 is now available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura.

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nikitonsky: Why is nobody excited about these “yesterday”/“2 days ago”/“a week ago” labels?

Open Source Web Browser Engine
The primary strength of the web is that it works everywhere.

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nikitonsky: Pro tip: don’t make enabled elements look disabled

Open Source Web Browser Engine
You might have noticed that Safari Technology Preview 179 includes an update to CSS Nesting that adds support for the new “relaxed parsing behavior”.

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nikitonsky: Things close together are perceived as related.

The latest news from Deno Land Inc.
Introducing Deno Queues - zero config, scalable messaging with a guaranteed at-least-once delivery. This new primitive builds on the foundation set by

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nikitonsky: Two questions:

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nikitonsky: 1. Don’t use country flags for langauges