nikitonsky: Pro tip: do not spell check your placeholder text
Subhosting is a new way to leverage Deno Deploy’s fast, scalable multi-tenant v8 isolate cloud to run your users code securely.
An interactive tool for math publishing.
nikitonsky: Sketch welcome screen. How does one create a new file? Well, you either go into Recent (why?) or into Open (??)
Deno KV is now even more flexible and powerful with self-hosted options, replicas, and S3 and GCS continuous backup support.
nikitonsky: Don’t add visual rhyme where it’s not needed
nikitonsky: Thanks Malte for reporting this
As of late, Passkeys are promoted as the killer of passwords and a lot of companies are now manically transitioning from passwords to Passkeys. I don't think that is a good idea.
As of late, Passkeys are promoted as the killer of passwords and a lot of companies are now manically transitioning from passwords to Passkeys. I don't think that is a good idea.
nikitonsky: Play button looks better if it’s centered