Isn’t it peculiar that we internalize mind–body dualism at such an early age? This happens when you intimately realize that your mind does not control someone else’s body or any other entity external to your person. A philosopher told me that.
The Greeks were clever. The Pythagorean “number line” idea of knowledge: the monad (1), dyad (2), triad (3) — is a sly way of grasping at complexity.
Humans think/reason by breaking complexity indefinitely into twos/dyads/dichotomies/dualisms.
The bar for making useful/smart sounding observations is kinda low. Rule: Take a complex thing, divide it into two parts, then as a bonus — express those divisions as a monad (everything is love/a force), and… repeat. Triads/Trialisms/Trinity and higher are undefined for obvious reasons.
Not a philosopher .
The Internet graduates from its primitivity once anyone can easily spin up and host a website. and the end–to–end principle pretty please?
Aria is such nice nostalgia.
Deploy or die? Whenever deployment times are reduced to almost instantaneous — that meme comes to mind. There’s even a card game. How magnificent…
Media clips and text on a screen are obtuse. If that’s consistently true, then choose your poison(s): misinterpretation, miscommunication, misdirection, misinformation, disinformation, dissimulation, and/or propaganda. Everyone gets to play, but no one is immune.
Chapter 2.
Not sure how people find the time and motivation to argue in long comment threads on the Internet. Seems like a waste of energy, or maybe I’m just getting older. Here’s a picture of my guava tree sprouts.
Hmm, this is a test…
Someone told me that today was Friday the 13th — so here’s an old meme to celebrate our collective misfortunes.