Colorful pastel chalk (© Stephen Shepherd/plainpicture)

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Colorful pastel chalk (© Stephen Shepherd/plainpicture)
Open Source Web Browser Engine
Web Inspector is a powerful tool that allows you to debug the layout of web pages, step through JavaScript, read messages logged to the console, and more.
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Crocus flowers (© Raimund Linke/Getty Images)
The latest news from Deno Land Inc.
The most recent release brought some significant changes in the form of better Node and NPM compatibility with package.json support. This prompted questions from our users about whether our core priorities have shifted.
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Barn owl, England (© Ondrej Prosicky/Getty Images)
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, County Waterford, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Giant panda at Chengdu Panda Base, China (© Jim Zuckerman/Jaynes Gallery/DanitaDelimont)
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nikitonsky: Three problems with table at the top:
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nikitonsky: Modern idea to put controls on top of content when the space on screen is essentially free and infinite is… not good