nikitonsky: “What if we made tooltips that just repeat what the button says?”

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The moon seen from the Orion spacecraft of NASA’s Artemis mission (© NASA)

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nikitonsky: So… Where do I click? Turns out there’s a button that disguises itself as a text field.

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Crescent Lake near Dunhuang, Gansu province, China (© R7 Photo/Shutterstock)

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The latest news from Deno Land Inc.
Explore the key improvements in Fresh 1.3: streamlined route components, enhanced error handling, updated linting rules, and multi-island exports. This release also supports the stable Deno.serve API, making Deno projects more efficient and …

Recently published RFCs
This Informational document defines the ‘sip-trunking-capability’ link relation type that may be used by an enterprise telephony

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Messaging applications are increasingly making use of end-to-end security mechanisms to ensure that messages are only accessible to

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This document describes an architecture for protocols and services to support Unmanned Aircraft System Remote Identification and tracking

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Great hornbill, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand (© kajornyot wildlife photography/Shutterstock)

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nikitonsky: If you put a button next to something, people will naturally assume it controls that thing. Can you guess which one turns on the socket? And what the other one do?