nikitonsky: If you’re a website selling stuff, shouldn’t you, you know, at least try to be useful? Make the experience as seamless as possible? Don’t your earnings depend directly on how easy it is to find “Buy button”?
Arambol Beach in Goa, India (© Ben Pipe/Alamy)
Petronas Twin Towers, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (© tampatra/Getty Images)
WordPress has
an affinity for back–doored radioactivity.
If I can get my way (which is hard), a WordPress install has only 1
theme and
|-- public
`-- wp-config.php
/* Disable installing plugins and themes */
define('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true);
Wildlife crossing in Wierden, Netherlands (© Frans Lemmens/Alamy)
On June 23rd, the WebKit project froze its Subversion tree and transitioned management and interaction with our source code to git on GitHub.
This specification defines a framework for authentication and authorization in Internet of Things (IoT) environments called
This specification defines new parameters and encodings for the OAuth 2.0 token and introspection endpoints when used with the framework
RFC 9202: Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Profile for Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments (ACE)
Blue linckia sea stars off New Ireland in Papua New Guinea (© Jurgen Freund/Minden Pictures)