nikitonsky: Useless tooltips that actively get in your way
The Hughes H-4 Hercules, aka the Spruce Goose, November 1947, Long Beach Harbor, California (© J R Eyerman/Shutterstock)
I have multiple times criticized tech on political grounds, but is that a valid reason for criticism or does that simply constitute ranting?
Intent is an abstract, high-level policy used to operate a network. An intent-based management system includes an interface for users to
This document provides an overview of operational networking and transport protocol issues that pertain to the quality of experience
I feel sorta conflicted about
my posted notes
on nixops
shortly after that I discovered
nixos-rebuild had remote deploys. Now
nixos-rebuild itself is just a
bash script
and taking a peek inside is well, you know.. enlightening. There’s even a
NixOS deployment tool written
in just nix. I use
nixos-rebuild switch \
--target-host "" \
--build-host "localhost" \
nikitonsky: Maybe it’s time Twitter turns its spaceship of the UI into something more clean and organized? What do you think?
, most of the fastest web I’ve seen were using nuxt.js. Performant react web applications are rare… But honestly, the usability of the web overall is in the gutter. I’ve spent these last few days watching people frustrate themselves over broken web application forms (for banks especially).
Skeleton figures (calacas) dressed up for Día de los Muertos celebrations in Mexico (© Amelia Fuentes Marin/Getty Images)
The MDN Web Docs team recently undertook a project to revamp and reorganize the “Contribution Docs”. These are all the pages on MDN that describe what’s what – the templates and page structures, how to perform a task on MDN, how to contribute to MDN, …