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    Web Inspector is a powerful tool that allows you to debug the layout of web pages, step through JavaScript, read messages logged to the console, and more.

    Bing Images

    Bing's Homepage Images Archive

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    Crocus flowers (© Raimund Linke/Getty Images)

    Crocus flowers (© Raimund Linke/Getty Images)
    Crocus flowers (© Raimund Linke/Getty Images)
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    The latest news from Deno Land Inc.

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    The most recent release brought some significant changes in the form of better Node and NPM compatibility with package.json support. This prompted questions from our users about whether our core priorities have shifted.


    Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.

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    A superficial review of the paper that pulled a monetary deus out of a machine..

    Yes yes, reading is old school and for losers (according to the Internet), but these are the words of cryptocurrency’s based god! Jokes aside, read the first sentence of that abstract. The developers of cryptocurrency are smart but has their creation increased/decreased centralization into entrenched financial institutions? Think about it, stably. In my country institutional power has increased, .

    Your browser does not support the application/pdf plugin. Here's a link to the file instead.

    Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
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    Bing Images

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    Barn owl, England (© Ondrej Prosicky/Getty Images)

    Barn owl, England (© Ondrej Prosicky/Getty Images)
    Barn owl, England (© Ondrej Prosicky/Getty Images)
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    Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)

    Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)
    Gamboa Crater, Mars (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)
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    Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, County Waterford, Ireland (© Andrea Pistolesi/Getty Images)

    Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, County Waterford, Ireland (© Andrea
    Ballyvooney Cove, Copper Coast Geopark, County Waterford, Ireland (© Andrea
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    Giant panda at Chengdu Panda Base, China (© Jim Zuckerman/Jaynes Gallery/DanitaDelimont)

    Giant panda at Chengdu Panda Base, China (© Jim Zuckerman/Jaynes
    Giant panda at Chengdu Panda Base, China (© Jim Zuckerman/Jaynes
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    Grumpy Website

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    nikitonsky: Three problems with table at the top:

    Grumpy Website

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    nikitonsky: Modern idea to put controls on top of content when the space on screen is essentially free and infinite is… not good

