I’m not a magician.
nikitonsky: If only there was enough horizontal space for job names instead of meaningless “Matrix…” prefix.
I just noticed that Mastodon prefixes a user’s homepage URL route with the @at symbol.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee (© Tony Barber/Getty Images)
Applications often use HTTP as a substrate to create HTTP-based APIs.
For the last year, we’ve been working on the development of rust-minidump, a pure-Rust replacement for the minidump-processing half of google-breakpad.
In my country, political PR has at least three classes/levels.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City (© Susanne Pommer/Shutterstock)
nikitonsky: Before using our alarm clock, let it go to the internet, accept User Agreement and Privacy Policy.
Claws Mail is a great GUI mail client.