My puppeteer scripts now use deno. No more need for npm in my personal stack! spawnSync + which returns the local browser’s path. javascript import puppeteer from ""; const chrome = "firefox"; /* Browser Chrome: "firefox" | "chromium" | "google-chrome" | ... */ const product = "firefox"; /* Product Base: "firefox" | "chrome" */ const { status, stdout, stderr } = Deno.spawnSync("which", { args: [ chrome, ], }); const executablePath = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout).trim(); const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, executablePath: executablePath, product: product, }); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport({ width: 1024, height: 768, }); const sites = [ "", ]; for (const site of sites) { await page.goto("http://" + site); await page.screenshot({ path: site + ".png" }); } await browser.close(); Basic Boilerplate: Captures a picture of (main.ts) shell deno run --allow-all --unstable main.ts Deno Version: 1.23.0