More Vim editor meta? Since posting a video of my LaTeX/Vim shenanigans, queries for tips arrive occasionally. Completion and whole line completion are boilerplate hammers. The more buffers and windows loaded, the more “robust”.
The nmap command can enumerate ciphers on the server.
nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 domain.example
The SSL Labs’ SSL test is similar? In debugging purgatory, there are instances where declarations in a configuration do not translate into reality and it’s not always the implementation, or the server, but sometimes exotic interactions between systems.
A quick wrapper script for normalized git commit dates. Commit dates and timezones are normalized or truncated to the day. This is useful for avoiding rebasing and/or not having to think about system or git date/time settings when on another device or in another timezone. If precise timestamps matter, then it is easily disabled.
#!/bin/sh -eu
GIT=$(which git --all | grep --invert-match "local/bin" | head --lines 1)
GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(date --utc --date '0' '+%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z')"
[ "${1:-}" = "commit" ] && export DATE=1 && $GIT "$@" --date="$GIT_COMMITTER_DATE"
[ "${DATE:-}" = 1 ] && exit
$GIT "$@"
Infinite scrolling is unusual. Most implementations are “almost infinite” to avoid excessive length (memory).
Infinite scrolling: Limits content to an arbitrarily large amount to avoid exhausting memory.
Virtual scrolling: Unload everything except the visible viewport + a top and bottom offset. Pad the rest.
Virtual scrolling is infinite, but breaks auxiliary actions ( CTRL + F ) because what’s on the screen is the content.
document.addEventListener("scroll", function() {
The most popular library appears to be