Black Fell, Lake District, England (© Daniel Kay/Shutterstock)

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Black Fell, Lake District, England (© Daniel Kay/Shutterstock)
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Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival, Harbin, China (© STR/AFP via Getty Images)
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Earth as seen from the International Space Station (© JSC/NASA)
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Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico (© Jay Goodrich/Tandem Stills + Motion)
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Hohenzollern Castle, Germany (© Sahara Prince/Shutterstock)
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Polar bear in Svalbard, Norway (© Dennis Stogsdill/Getty Images)
A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.
Lake Powell water levels, using an Internet data source.
A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.
Lake Mead Water Levels, using an Internet data source.