The MDN Web Docs team recently undertook a project to revamp and reorganize the “Contribution Docs”. These are all the pages on MDN that describe what’s what – the templates and page structures, how to perform a task on MDN, how to contribute to MDN, …
Trees in Wychwood Forest near Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England (© Frederick Ardley/Getty Images)
Admittedly, I do occasional rant on this website - sorry! Feel free to only read the tutorials, avoid my website all together, put it in your ad blockers spam list, or simply block it on your firewall :) No one is forcing you to read any of it if you …
Polar bear at the edge of Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada (© Sean Crane/Minden Pictures)
dmitriid: Saving user settings and respecting them is a lost art.
dmitriid: Five seconds or more. It takes five seconds or more for Youtube to show video duration. Video duration is information that they have instant access to when they display other information like title.
An easy-to-use LaTeX editor/renderer.
Sea angel (© Alexander Semenov Images/Shutterstock)
This document recommends ways to reduce the forged-origin hijack attack surface by prudently limiting the set of IP prefixes that are
Stormy sky over Lake Geneva in Lausanne, Switzerland (© Suradech Singhanat/Shutterstock)