Cranberry bog (© SHSPhotography/Getty Images)

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Cranberry bog (© SHSPhotography/Getty Images)
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A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.
A site for people who think. Intellectual resources, programming, astronomy, science, mathematics, Java/JavaScript applets, programming instruction, home of Arachnophilia.
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Sunflower (© Dileep Chandran/Alamy)
Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Following a bunch of blogs always resurfaces interesting stuff — here’s an entertaining article and video summary of modern rope climbing. Article is old – must have updated recently. I like the humour.
Even though I know the risk of losing viewers by discussing math and physics…
We break down how we reduced Firefox out-of-memory crashes on Windows with a simple trick. Poorly behaving web pages and apps are no longer capable of crashing the browser by exhausting memory. The post Improving Firefox stability with this one weird …
Another wandering soul whispering into the void. If you are looking for my blog you are in the wrong place. The profile and header pictures are brought to you by cdd20.
Blade CLI is a nice find. I saw a past iteration of this a while back in nsrosenqvist/blade-cli. Basically, it’s a for kinda rendering blade templates. Don’t ask why…
name: {{ $name }}
type: {{ $type }}
blade render data.yaml --name="name" --type="type"
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Red fox in Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen Nature Reserve, Netherlands (© Edwin Giesbers/Minden Pictures)
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Ahmad Bin Ali Stadium in Doha, Qatar (© Qatar 2022/Supreme Committee via Getty Images)
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
‘World in Progress II,’ a land art painting by Saype, United Nations Headquarters, New York City (© Valentin Flauraud/Shutterstock)