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French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana (© f11photo/Getty Images)

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Washington Monument and Capitol Building on the National Mall, Washington, DC (© AevanStock/Shutterstock)

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Humpback whales, Maui, Hawaii (© Flip Nicklin/Minden Pictures)

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Eben Ice Caves, Upper Peninsula, Michigan (© Dean Pennala/Shutterstock)

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Recently published RFCs
This document describes a mechanism named “CCNinfo” that discovers information about the network topology and in-network cache in

Recently published RFCs
The CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) message structure uses references to keys in general. For some algorithms, additional

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The purpose of this document is to make the Russian cryptographic standards available to the Internet community for their

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Allen’s hummingbird perched on a red kangaroo paw plant (© GypsyPictureShow/Shutterstock)

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