Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)

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Quiver trees in Namibia (© Fotofeeling/DEEPOL by plainpicture)
The latest news from Deno Land Inc.
You can now use Node.js built-in modules like node:http
on Deno Deploy, allowing you to run existing Node.js apps at the edge.
Bing's Homepage Images Archive
Wat Sri Sawai in Sukhothai Historical Park, Thailand (© Casper1774 Studio/Shutterstock)
The latest news from Deno Land Inc.
This update augments compatibility with npm and Node.js, incorporates glob support, and enhances TLS certificates with IP addresses. It also brings forth improvements to the configuration, language server, APIs, and updates to V8 and TypeScript.