+++ date = "2024-12-20T23:21:18+00:00" lastmod = "2024-12-20T23:22:21+00:00" tags = [ "musings" ] +++ I like wordplay. I helped someone with a conundrum recently. There's a deep ambiguity where bimonthly = biweekly. The {{< abbr AIs "artificial intelligences" >}} get it right/wrong on a flip of the (contextual) coin. Then I realized; bots are smarter but [it's complicated](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal). It's hard to _generally_ distinguish its output. If that's intelligence, then it has surpassed the average in general. Too easy? It's like we're testing our individualized general ignorance (if that's a thing). In short; it excels at what you don't know (yet). Apparently, I'm already an AI whisperer.