+++ date = "2025-02-21T19:39:06+00:00" lastmod = "2025-02-21T19:39:06+00:00" tags = [ "coins" ] +++ I [must](/tdro/messages/10x/#tdro-messages-10x) admit. I was _so_ wrong in the past. I used to adamantly assure anyone who thought it hard to separate fact from fiction online, "it's easy." That was, until I read on Internet News that our crypto king whiz kid ([what they call my elders](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/11/03/investing/who-is-sam-bankman-fried-ftx-fraud-trial/index.html)) was "in" [Argentina](https://www.businessinsider.com/ftx-sam-bankman-fried-bahamas-fled-argentina-2022-11) (which has its own [meme coin](https://www.web3isgoinggreat.com/glossary#memecoin) king [allegedly](https://apnews.com/article/argentina-milei-meme-coins-crypto-melania-e83b5ffd61b1dbc9e7c1272096d39aaa)). Our technical whiz kid was locally in exile that day. The "it's only a serious joke" [shenanigans](/tdro/messages/mas/#tdro-messages-mas) is so outer planetary, it might take disciplined historians far removed from this superficial era to intricately interpret this dance, but _only_ if they safely receive archives of this slow moving, fast train of equi vocal, contradictory voices. Thanks for reading my book.