+++ date = "2024-09-09T21:06:40+00:00" lastmod = "2024-09-09T21:06:40+00:00" tags = [ "musings" ] +++ I [sometimes forget](/tdro/messages/crawl) that [KiB](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilobyte) style units are confusing. The {{< abbr kB "1000 bytes" >}} / {{< abbr KB "1024 bytes" >}} is practically ambiguous. Kibi is "2 to the 10" or 1024 (binary), but... > 1 kB ≈ 1 KB ≈ 1 KiB ≈ 1000 B ≈ 1024 B? Read my mind? The [SI](https://www.britannica.com/science/International-System-of-Units) metric system is still a great feat though and unifies primary dimensions (length) on equivalent units (meters). Instead of hands, inches, feet, chains, furlongs, barleycorns, rods, and links --- it's just meters prefixed arbitrarily. Time's probably messed up though. True story: I saw a '6 soft white rolls' bread package morph into "6 50 foot white rolls" because of metric illness.