+++ date = "2022-10-18T02:07:57+00:00" lastmod = "2022-10-18T02:07:57+00:00" tags = [ "musings"] author = "tdro" +++ There's this crow outside that insists on plucking coconuts. A while back I was in a coconut tree (don't ask), and there it was --- a crow setting up its nest. I assisted by creating more space and since then it's been obsessed with plucking coconuts. It's dropping young and old ones faster than I'm willing to deal with them. `4` in the last two hours.. ![Dehusked coconuts](https://res.cloudinary.com/dpszgzqjb/image/upload/v1666060292/dehusked-coconuts.jpg " Some dehusked dry coconuts" )