+++ date = "2023-04-10T19:44:41+00:00" lastmod = "2023-04-10T19:44:42+00:00" tags = [ "musings" ] author = "tdro" +++ [Starlink](https://www.starlink.com/) has officially arrived in The Bahamas as Starlink Services Bahamas Limited. Finally there's economic pressure for better Internet infrastructure! I do wonder though, how will they (the musketeers) approach the eventual over--subscription problem--on second thought--that's wholly irrelevant because well... the bar is obscenely low. Every satellite the techno--king (future emperor--suzerain?) launches is a fast moving death knell for our mostly unaware local {{< abbr ISPs "Internet Service Providers" >}}. Isn't the world rather boring in its predictability --- I think so?