+++ date = "2022-09-04T16:56:12+00:00" lastmod = "2022-09-04T16:56:12+00:00" tags = [ "metas" ] author = "tdro" +++ I've returned from the depths of [The Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/) with a {{< react "reaction hover" "https://64.media.tumblr.com/b458931b2a7c73142d6ac15c398c4df4/645060a38dc796ba-fc/s540x810/f06be3e94ab8d46e082e39a29d63f36e988a9474.gif" "i'll... just copy that" >}} short code. The {{< abbr RSS "Really Simple Syndication" >}} version of this post should replace that reaction with a {{< abbr gif "graphics interchange format" >}} image link. I'll play around with this ~~stolen~~ idea for a bit. Audio reactions might also be another idea worth exploring.