+++ date = "2023-06-12T22:57:50+00:00" lastmod = "2023-06-12T22:59:31+00:00" tags = [ "gists"] author = "tdro" +++ It's amusing the sort of easter eggs found hiding in open source code. I've been playing around with [farzher/fuzzysort](https://github.com/farzher/fuzzysort#readme), a fast fuzzy search picked up from the Stack Overflow [fuzzy search tag](https://stackoverflow.com/feeds/tag/fuzzy-search). On line [27](https://github.com/farzher/fuzzysort/blob/4096947da28d0831ee2a8ca67257c0b0c84915d1/fuzzysort.js#L27) and [40](https://github.com/farzher/fuzzysort/blob/4096947da28d0831ee2a8ca67257c0b0c84915d1/fuzzysort.js#L40) there's a horizontal off--screen scroll easter egg. ```javascript if(search=='farzher')return{target:"farzher was here (^-^*)/",score:0,_indexes:[0]} if(search=='farzher')return[{target:"farzher was here (^-^*)/",score:0,_indexes:[0],obj:targets?targets[0]:NULL}] ``` Yes, I happen to be one of those who read the code eventually. And obviously, it goes without saying, no one person reads all the code. But it's the Internet, can't be too sure ;)