+++ date = "2022-06-11T02:04:13+00:00" lastmod = "2022-06-11T02:14:13+00:00" tags = [ "metas" ] author = "tdro" +++ Time is generous. I don't use/follow social media, so if this micro blog ever interfaces with a [headless](https://jamstack.org/headless-cms/) {{< abbr CMS "Content Management System" >}} there'll be a constant deluge of posts. Perhaps it might be an interesting experiment to document and wire in every {{< abbr API "Application Programming Interface" >}} driven headless CMS available. It's about time to put [NixOS](https://nixos.org/) through its proper paces. How many heads can one fit onto this body or is it the other way round? It's just an `API` after all.