+++ date = "2022-05-21T02:49:14+00:00" lastmod = "2022-05-21T02:49:14+00:00" tags = [ "web" ] author = "tdro" +++ The {{< abbr GUID "Globally Unique Identifier" >}} is an interesting element in the {{< abbr RSS "Really Simple Syndication" >}} specification --- yeah another post about [`RSS`](https://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification#whatIsRss). You could hash the content of a post and commit to the idea that it shouldn't change. If a post changes, then the `GUID` would provide a trail of edits, with the drawback of possibly resurfacing an old post. This [article from 15 years ago](http://www.xn--8ws00zhy3a.com/blog/2006/08/rss-dup-detection) explores what feed readers did at the time when given a `link` and/or `guid`.