+++ date = "2024-04-02T00:20:21+00:00" lastmod = "2024-04-02T00:20:21+00:00" tags = [ "programs" ] +++ [Tracking git metadata](https://git.github.io/rev_news/2023/08/31/edition-102/#support) never crossed my mind ([git privacy](https://git.nicholasjohnson.ch/git-privacy/about/)). My understanding was that metadata can't be sole ground truths anyway. Known real--world contributors increase trust/triangulation. Reality is not always in sync with metadata, for example; [rebasing](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Rebasing) repositories as 1 commit, using different names/emails, travelling (without updating {{< abbr tz "time zones" >}}) or working inside time drifted virtual machines. I'd imagine that simpler anonymization involves anonymous contributors sharing the same metadata. In short, the deniable _we are one, we are many, we are legion_ cloak.