+++ date = "2022-05-17T10:47:06+00:00" lastmod = "2022-05-17T10:47:06+00:00" tags = [ "web" ] author = "tdro" +++ Perhaps the only benefit of being behind a {{< abbr "CGNAT" "Carrier--grade Network Address Translation" >}} on an increasingly centralizing Internet is conserving time. Playing the "are you human" [captcha game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAPTCHA) is an excellent incentive for minimal browsing and [off-lining as much software](https://github.com/tdro/dotfiles/commit/032efcf7f4b1c7304ce5f3f64f64c175ba59eb6d) as possible. ![Captcha Game](https://res.cloudinary.com/dpszgzqjb/image/upload/v1652783579/captcha.png " Captcha Game while trying out the [Nu Validator](https://github.com/validator/validator#the-nu-html-checker-vnu--) web client" )