+++ date = "2023-05-24T00:32:20+00:00" lastmod = "2023-05-24T00:32:20+00:00" tags = [ "gists" ] author = "tdro" +++ {{< disclose >}} There's this cool [python script chromexup](https://github.com/xsmile/chromexup#readme) that allows declaratively managing [chromium](https://www.chromium.org/Home/) based extensions. {{}} Basically setup the configuration in the right place, find the extension id from the Chrome web store {{< abbr URL "Uniform Resource Locator" >}} and run `chromexup`. ```ini { caption="~/.config/chromexup/config.ini" } [main] branding = chromium remove_orphans = True parallel_downloads = 4 [extensions] BlankNewTabPage = jaadjnlkjnhohljficgoddcjmndjfdmi JavaScriptToggle = cdcgbgnfhhdmdkallfmlachogpghifgf NoHistory = ljamgkbcojbnmcaonjokopmcblmmpfch ``` Side note: [NoHistory](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/no-history/ljamgkbcojbnmcaonjokopmcblmmpfch) is good for disabling history ([Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/) has options). If the history/bookmarks database gets too large, funky auto--suggestion stuff can happen (100% processor usage). {{< abbr imo "in my opinion" >}}, it's best not to trust browsers storing bookmarks anyway and use an independent tool/method. The less data coupled to browsers the better --- at least if you're like me and swap browsers regularly.