+++ date = "2025-01-21T22:39:57+00:00" lastmod = "2025-01-21T22:39:57+00:00" tags = [ "web" ] +++ Apparently, [this is entertaining](/tdro/messages/conway/#tdro-messages-conway)? Struggling to be brief my scribbling mimics the mainstream and becomes unintentionally obscure. My inbox has been overflowing with ads selling [agents](/tdro/messages/web4/#tdro-messages-web4) ({{< abbr AGI "artificial general intelligence" >}}) lately. On {{< abbr "VS Code's" "Visual Studio Code's" >}} marketing page there is/was a demo where the (pre?) [AGI](https://futurism.com/openai-employee-claims-agi) was asked, "What steps are needed to create a wordle clone?" My answer: "You only need one step. To make a wordle clone just [`git clone`](https://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone) another [worldle clone](https://github.com/search?q=wordle+clone&type=repositories)" (no code: I was trying to be funny this time).