+++ date = "2025-01-29T22:36:42+00:00" lastmod = "2025-01-29T22:36:42+00:00" tags = [ "web" ] +++ I get amusing emails sometimes. I guess [briefness](/tdro/messages/ais/#tdro-messages-ais) is obscurity, and obscurity, self fulfilling contradictory absurdity (coins). I posted an informal lay of [the bot land](/tdro/messages/crawl/#tdro-messages-crawl) some spaces ago. My trying to be serious brief was, "When you consult the {{< abbr AIs "Artificial Intelligences" >}}, the AIs consult me and then I consult you" or something. [This AI web crawler](https://developer.amazon.com/amazonbot) was the only one recursively eager to learn then. That was _actually_ surprising, but now, many [crawlers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler) appear like locusts in a recursively starved swarm, refeeding on every single word (the new normal).