--- author: tdro date: 2022-09-15T00:00:00Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "Articles (occasional rants) and tutorials about open source, BSD and GNU/Linux system administration, and programming - the pragmatic way." domain: "unixsheikh.com" enclosure: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.unixsheikh.com.png" home: "" link: "https://unixsheikh.com/tutorials/poor-mans-mind-mapping-tool-with-just-the-terminal.html" markdown: "data/generates/content/tdro/feeds/poor-mans-mind-mapping-tool-with-just-the-523cf4b1.md" name: "unixsheikh" self: "tdro/feeds/poor-mans-mind-mapping-tool-with-just-the-523cf4b1/" --- So, I saw the Hacker News post about h-m-m (hackers mind map) and thought, "We could do something similar with just the terminal and tree".