--- author: tdro date: 2022-07-22T20:43:32Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "Grumpy Website" domain: "grumpy.website" enclosure: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.grumpy.website.png" link: "https://grumpy.website/post/0XqkjofuR" name: "Grumpy Website" markdown: "data/generates/content/tdro/feeds/nikitonsky-is-being-grumpy-d5454b9f.md" self: "tdro/feeds/nikitonsky-is-being-grumpy-d5454b9f/" --- nikitonsky: Why just 7? Why not 14 or 100 or, you know, until the end of time? Are computers not powerful enough to do that? What’s the motivation here? And please don’t tell me it’s secure