--- author: tdro date: 2022-08-25T14:07:54Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "Grumpy Website" domain: "grumpy.website" enclosure: "" home: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.grumpy.website.png" link: "https://grumpy.website/post/0Y0s7ugUt" name: "Grumpy Website" markdown: "data/generates/content/tdro/feeds/dmitriid-is-being-grumpy-be81f175.md" self: "tdro/feeds/dmitriid-is-being-grumpy-be81f175/" --- dmitriid: In their infinite wisdom Google decided that you can only log in to the various services on the plethora of Google devices through a single central app on your phone. I've now tried to set up Spotify for a thousandth time. What went wrong? …