--- author: default date: 2022-09-08T09:14:51Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "hacks.mozilla.org" domain: "hacks.mozilla.org" enclosure: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.hacks.mozilla.org.png" home: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/" link: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/2022/09/the-100-percent-markdown-expedition/" markdown: "data/generates/content/default/feeds/the-100-markdown-expedition-5123effe.md" name: "Mozilla Hacks" self: "default/feeds/the-100-markdown-expedition-5123effe/" --- In June 2021, we decided to start converting the source code for MDN web docs from HTML into a format that would be easier for us to work with. The goal was to get 100% of our manually-written documentation converted to Markdown, and we really had a …