--- author: default date: 2023-03-30T18:41:16Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "hacks.mozilla.org" domain: "hacks.mozilla.org" enclosure: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.httpshacksmozillaorgfeed.png" home: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/" link: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/2023/03/letting-users-block-injected-third-party-dlls-in-firefox/" name: "Mozilla Hacks" source: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/feed/" --- In Firefox 110, users now have the ability to control which third-party DLLs are allowed to load into Firefox processes. Let’s talk about what this means and when it might be useful. The post Letting users block injected third-party DLLs in Firefox …