--- author: default date: 2022-05-12T15:09:10Z tags: [feeds] feed: description: "Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog" domain: "hacks.mozilla.org" enclosure: "" favicon: "/data/media/favicon.hacks.mozilla.org.png" link: "https://hacks.mozilla.org/2022/05/improved-process-isolation-in-firefox-100/" name: "Mozilla Hacks" markdown: "data/generates/content/default/feeds/improved-process-isolation-in-firefox-100-64bc2bba.md" self: "default/feeds/improved-process-isolation-in-firefox-100-64bc2bba/" --- Firefox uses a multi-process model for additional security and stability while browsing: Web Content (such as HTML/CSS and Javascript) is rendered in separate processes that are isolated from the rest of the operating system and managed by a …