There’s an artful wisdom gained from age, maybe.
RFCs 5425 and 6012 describe using TLS and DTLS to securely transport syslog messages.
This document defines a YANG data model to describe microwave and millimeter-wave radio links in a network topology.
nikitonsky: Bold is highlight.
The Elbphilharmonie concert hall in Hamburg, Germany (© Canetti/Shutterstock)
Sorano, Tuscany, Italy (© Luigi Vaccarella/eStock Photo)
nikitonsky: Ah yes.
African elephants in Tsavo East National Park, Kenya (© Neil Bowman/Minden Pictures)
We’ve merged in many fixes and improvements to the Deno 2 release candidate.
Jupiter’s icy moon Europa (© NASA/JPL-Caltech/SETI Institute)